Project was initiated as a response to increase in terrorist propaganda on using CBRN (chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear) threats in attacks and tutorials on how to carry out such an attack. The project was initiated by substantial needs analysis (surveys, on-site study visits), which concluded that sport facilities are well prepared to traditional threats, however, CBRN knowledge and awareness is rather low. To answer those challenges a set of tailored solutions have been prepared:
- introduction to CBRN threats,
- selection of CBRN procedures (recognition, prevention, response, and reporting),
- recovery procedures after CBRN indecent,
- CBRN evacuation principles including crowd management basis & communication guidelines,
- set of infrastructure, ICT & equipment recommendations,
- training materials covering crucial CBRN knowledge (e-Learning & VR component, animated movies).
For more information, please visit SAFE STADIUM website: