Safe Stadium promotion in Italy

Safe Stadium project has been successfully promoted in Italy. The event on April 10th held significant weight as stakeholders convened in the Giacomo Matteotti room within the lower chamber of the Italian Parliament. This gathering,  drew approximately 50 individuals representing diverse sectors, including governmental bodies, law enforcement agencies, healthcare institutions, sports associations, and more.

The proceedings commenced with opening remarks from Prof. Giovanni Scambia and Dr. Luca Pierantoni. Prof. Scambia, Head of the Research area at Policlinico Gemelli, emphasized the role of hospitals in responding to CBRN incidents, underlining the crucial link between research endeavours and public health resilience. Pierantoni, Head of the Political Affairs Team of the EC Representation in Italy, provided poignant reminders of past stadium tragedies, stressing the necessity of funding for research, innovation, and the implementation of robust safety protocols.
The event featured three comprehensive presentations:
Prof. Daniele Gui offered insights into the SAFE STADIUM project’s objectives and its significance in enhancing safety measures for stadiums and arenas.
Dr. Bruno Romanò delved into the intricacies of the project’s framework, outlining a document developed by Policlinico Gemelli focusing on CBRN-Med (Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear – Medical).
Ms. Rachele Brancaleoni showcased the educational tools devised under the project’s purview, including an immersive VR simulation aimed at bolstering preparedness and response capabilities.
The latter part of the event comprised a dynamic round table discussion moderated by Dr. Pierluigi Spada, a surgeon and well-known science communicator. Panelists included:
Ferruccio Taroni, President of ANDES (National Association of Stewards), who provided insights into stewardship’s role in ensuring safety and security within stadiums.
Chiara Appendino, Vice President of the Italian Tennis and Padel Federation and member of the Italian Parliament, shared perspectives on the governance of sports and legislative considerations.
Andrea Santini, Manager of Stadio Olimpico and Parco del Foro Italico, highlighted the pivotal role of sports venues in promoting community health and well-being.
Riccardo Fambrini, Head of the NBC School of Rieti, offered expertise on NBC defense strategies and preparedness measures.
Alessandro Gullo, Delegated by the Questore and responsible for the Rome – Prati Police Station, provided insights into law enforcement’s role in ensuring public safety and security during sporting events.
Through robust discourse and interdisciplinary collaboration, the SAFE STADIUM mainstreaming event fostered collective action towards fortifying public spaces against CBRN threats, underscoring a proactive approach to risk mitigation and resilience-building initiatives. The recordings of the event (in Italian) are available at this link: evento | WebTV (